Monday, June 23, 2008

Sabrina's in Philly

Well, I just got back from another weekend with PB in Philly, and boy did we have a blast! We had another fabulous weekend together, but that story is for another day!!

Today I ask... Have you ever had such a delicious meal that you can't stop thinking about it afterwards?!?!

On Saturday PB and I got up super early and he took me to Sabrina's in South Philly. This place serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, but is most well known for its breakfast! We got there right before the morning rush (which is the reason we woke up early!). I ordered whole wheat pancakes (yep, you read that right!) with strawberries and bananas and a small fruit cup on the side. The pancakes were AMAZING. Seriously the BEST pancakes I have ever had! I begged PB to take me again on Sunday but he told me too much of a good thing will ruin it for us. waaaa! Therefore, we made a deal to go back THIS Saturday! I can't wait!!



dahlia said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

mmm... yes, i have a couple of those meals, but there's one in particular- it was a breakfast quesadillas at first watch in manhattan, ks while on my official visit for rowing with k-state.

Mr. Trig said...

you make me sound like such a dictator!