Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dear Prudence, and other things that excite me...

I am wondering if I am the only geek in my group of friends...

I just realized I have some really weeeeird habits... some examples....

-When I am bored at work (not for lack of work, but for lack of motivation) and I realize it is Thursday- which means that Slate's Dear Prudence article comes out- I get so excited I feel like I am going to burst and I bounce a little in my seat as I go to the site
-Now that I am taking these classes at my gym, I realize I MUST set everything up just so before class... prep $1 for bottled water, buy said water, put coat in locker, check hair, retie shoes, go wait outside the room, do 3 specific stretches while waiting for the previous class to end, walk in, put my water down by the middle column, retie shoes, fix hair. soooo weeeeird! (p.s. I am LOVING these classes!!!!)
-I feel so awkward when I am going to leave voice messages for PB that I end up saying a few cutesy repetitive phrases in a sing song voice before abruptly saying errr ok byeeee (example: Looonnnneeeeeyyy tunnnnne looonnneeey tunnneee. you think I am a looooonnneeeyyy tune) hello, awk? obv with a song like that he is going to think I am a looney tune haha!

Anywayyyyy Happy Thursday everyone, I am SO excited that it is almost the weekend. Two weeks without PB has been wayyyy tooo long!

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